Much like Italian gorgonzola, German sauerkraut and Norwegian rakfisk (fermented trout), Japanese natto falls into the ...
Natto has a slimy appearance, and you can see sticky strings when you pull it apart to take a bite. Certain food textures make me gag uncontrollably (I'm looking at you, mushrooms and runny eggs ...
So what exactly makes Japanese natto so famously sticky? To make natto, soybeans go through a fermentation process involving ...
Shonan Soy Studio soaks soybeans in coffee instead of water before fermentation. To make traditional natto, soybeans are first soaked and steamed in water before fermentation. But Shonan Soy ...
From developing new functions for natto to the correlation between food, intestinal bacteria, and health” (Professor Jun Ogawa, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University), making the ...
Natto is a traditional Japanese fermented food with a unique smell and stickiness. In 2020, the National Cancer Center announced that high consumption of natto lowers mortality risk. Natto not ...