“Over the course of next year, Putin will likely face mounting domestic problems. Russia’s central bank has forecast economic growth of 0.5 to 1.5 per cent in 2025, down from 3.5 to 4 per cent in 2024, suggesting that the wartime boom may have run its course.”
Dasha cannot forget the horrors she and her family suffered through living under Russian military rule in her home city of Kherson during the early stages of Ukraine War.
The Russians may have killed Australian citizen Oscar Jenkins, who fought for Ukraine. Australia promises to "take the strongest action possible" if this information is confirmed, Reuters reports, citing Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.
The government is considering diplomatic retaliation if reports that Melbourne man Oscar Jenkins has been killed in Ukraine by Russian forces are confirmed.
Reports have emerged that the Russians may have killed Oscar Jenkins, an Australian citizen who fought for Ukraine and was taken prisoner by the Russians. Australia promises to take “the strongest action possible” if this information is confirmed.
Amid reports of a Melbourne man killed after being captured by Russia while fighting for Ukraine, the Australian government on Wednesday summoned Russian ambassador and said if he will be harmed, it w
Soldiers who served alongside Oscar Jenkins in the Ukrainian armed forces say they are convinced their Australian comrade was killed by Russia's military shortly after being captured last year.
Australia has summoned Russia’s ambassador to the country over reports that a Melbourne man was killed after being captured while fighting for Ukraine. At such a critical moment in US history, we need reporters on the ground. Your donation allows us to keep sending journalists to speak to both sides of the story.
Australians are paying more than ever for a warm brew, as coffee and tea have experienced high import prices driven by climate change and political instability.
On the cricket field, Oscar Jenkins was a formidable all-rounder. The former Melbourne Grammar student’s teammates were shocked to learn he had been captured by Russians on a Ukrainian battlefield.
In a new book, Axel Springer CEO Mathias Döpfner urges the U.S. and Europe to join together in a “Freedom Trade Alliance” against China, Russia and other autocracies.