The 94-year-old Buffett also acknowledged his advanced age in his annual letter, telling shareholders he now uses a cane and will spend less time fielding their questions at Berkshire's annual meeting in May.
Warren Buffett’s ownership interest in Berkshire Hathaway — as reported in SEC filings for the years 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018 — amounted to 20.5 percent that first year, 19.6 percent the next, and then 18.7 percent, 17.9 percent, and 17.2 percent the last three.
Warren Buffett, the legendary investor behind Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE:AAPL) shares or Coca-Cola (NSYE: KO) dividends—he went deeper, talking candidly about America's massive deficit and how it could impact everyone's wallet.
Discover how Warren Buffett amassed his $150 billion net worth, and how the Berkshire Hathaway CEO spends his fortune.
The great majority of your money remains in equities,” Buffett wrote in his highly-anticipated annual letter. “That preference won’t change.”
Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett tries to quickly acknowledge and fix his mistakes at work, a lesson he learned from his late business partner Charlie Munger.