Colombian President Gustavo Petro said Tuesday he will call for a special election in which voters will be able to approve or ...
Colombian President Gustavo Petro said on Tuesday that he would call a national referendum so that voters can weigh in on his ...
Colombian President Gustavo Petro says he will call for a special election in which voters will be able to approve or reject ...
ELN commanders in Colombia claim President Petro's "Total Peace" policy is escalating the conflict in Catatumbo, accusing the ...
"Todo anticipa que va a haber un choque político", apunta el analista Ernesto Calvo. La propuesta presentada por Mike Johnson ...
El hombre fue acusado por el presidente Petro de, presuntamente, orquestar un plan para atentar contra su vida.
A meeting between the leadership of the Colombian Catholic Church and President Gustavo Petro addressed crucial issues such ...
El presidente Gustavo Petro reaccionó a la aprobación de la reforma a la salud, que pasó en la Cámara de Representantes, en ...
El senador Mauricio Gómez Amín lanzó fuertes críticas al presidente Gustavo Petro y se desmarcó del Gobierno nacional.
Colombian President Gustavo Petro wants to reduce coca planting in a northeastern region rattled by rebel attacks by paying ...
Colombia President Gustavo Petro is calling on his country's Congress to legalize marijuana, saying its prohibition "only ...
La Policía de Seguridad Aeroportuaria (PSA) de Argentina desarticuló una banda de narcotraficantes que cruzaba de Bolivia a ...