One scientist, who's been studying blue-green algae, says little is known about its affect on wildlife.
One of this year's coveted Lasker Awards has gone to Zhijian "James" Chen, a scientist behind a key immune-system discovery.
A data scientist who correctly predicted elections in 2020 and 2021 is back to throw his analytical hat in the ring — and ...
"What got you into astrophysics?" It's a question I'm often asked at outreach events, and I answer by pointing to my early ...
Copernicus pitched the heliocentric idea that the Earth orbited the sun. His theory took 150 years to catch on and more than ...
Trending A Twitter data scientist who was all set to resign reportedly told CEO Elon Musk as part of a final shot what a lot ...
James Chen, a professor of microbiology at UT Southwestern Medical Center, has won a Lasker Award for his discovery of an ...
When we think creatively, produce novel ideas, or otherwise have “Eureka” moments, we may actually unlock access to a ...
The election has "gone from a drastic landslide in Trump's direction to a drastic landslide for Harris," marvels Northwestern ...
As a humorous comment on the gamification of daily life, it is hard to beat this tweet from 2021: “ I think Sisyphus would be ...
James Chen of UT Southwestern Medical Center wins an award for his research into cGAS. (UT Southwestern Medical Center/Lasker ...
Ezzeldeen Alswerky was awarded a biochemistry research assistant position in June but is currently stranded in Gaza ...