An An steers clear of the Saigon-style pho that dominates Sydney, instead championing its cousin from Vietnam’s north.
From killer fish sandwiches to kimchi and cracking Vietnamese pho, there’s something to satisfy the palates of all travellers ...
serving pho alongside banh mi (Vietnamese heroes), over-rice boxes, salads and rolls both summer (fresh) and spring (fried). Owner Kevin Chen is an experienced operator who South Shore pho-nuts ...
In October, the Chhoum family got the news that Yelp had named PHOnomenal No. 1 on its list of the top 25 pho spots in the U.S. And their happiness doubled on Wednesday, when the small shop was ranked ...
Bao Toan is not the usual Vietnamese pho and banh mi joint, and that’s by design. The team behind Mochi & Mi — Margaret Tong, her mother Karina Pham, and her sister Chloe Tong — wanted to do something ...
Co7 Pho & Com is now open in Richardson and offers Vietnamese food. (Dustin Butler/Community Impact) Co7 Pho & Com is now open in Richardson. The restaurant serves Vietnamese dishes such as com ...