F or me, floats are the peak of drink nostalgia. They bring to mind hot summer days, old-school diners, and last-minute runs ...
Dr Pepper launched its new Blackberry and Blackberry Zero Sugar in February ( I loved it) and fans are already obsessed. "I love the new blackberry flavor. It is the only Dr Pepper product I will be ...
According to Instagram food influencer snackolator, A&W is dropping a limited edition ice cream sundae flavor this August.
It's the perfect time to update your scent wardrobe - from the latest versions of classic perfumes to new niche fragrances, ...
Soda brands are going after our old-fashioned hearts this year, with releases like Coca-Cola Orange Cream, Pepsi Wild Cherry & Cream, and Olipop Peaches & Cream bringing back retro flavors in a big ...
Local versions of the American soft drink are popping up around the country – and they’ve got all the right ingredients to go mainstream. There’s just one Big Red Problem.
Plus, value is always on the menu at Denny’s with the $6.99 Everyday Value Slam®, part of the $2 $4 $6 $8 deals. Denny's New ...
Hospitality veteran and founder of Funwoody in Dunwoody Village, David Abes launched his latest venture this week: a retro ...
These Dr Pepper Floats are made with Dr Pepper, some vanilla ice cream, cherry syrup, and maraschino cherries for garnish.