The Algonquin pipeline is a 1,100- mile-long pipeline system that delivers natural gas to New England and many other states.
Did you know an Irish soda bread raved about on Cape Cod is at an Italian bakery? Where, plus several other things to do for ...
Recent sightings (through March 3) as reported to Mass Audubon. Single, early tree swallows and Eastern phoebes were seen in various Upper Cape locations. An executive with Hydro-Quebec, a utility ...
Looking for a one-of-a-kind Cape house? A church dating back nearly 200 years on Cape Cod, Massachusetts has been repurposed ...
The overall cost of Phase 3 is $16.39 million, and the planned removal of 91 trees is a "relatively small" part of that.
Cape Cod stands at a precipice—both literal and metaphorical. Its shores recede at an alarming rate, losing up to 45 feet ...
Rumors say Season 2 could be based on another Nantucket novel by Hilderbrand, "Swan Song," with different characters from ...
Nauset, a 31-year-old North Atlantic right whale, was seen by aerial observers about 5 miles off Wellfleet with a calf.
•     Cape Breton over Cape Cod: The Cabot Trail alone is enough to put Cape Breton on your travel list — stunning coastal ...
Thomas S. Cahir, longtime administrator for the Cape Cod Regional Transit Authority, has died. The cause of his death, which ...
The state recently certified the Barnstable County Water Quality Laboratory to test drinking water for the presence of PFAS, ...