"After signing the political charter, we will discuss the question of authority and who will take over the positions, and we will announce the government in two or three weeks." Idris also revealed ...
The man was also charged with planning arson attacks on several structures in Wroclaw. A Ukrainian was sentenced in Poland to eight years in prison for planning acts of sabotage on behalf of the ...
System access reports Serpico, the database of the Revenue Agency, appear if more than 60 queries per minute and more than 500 queries per day are performed. And accesses to the Sogei (Società ...
This is what the “Washington Post” reports, having obtained a communication sent to the top of the Pentagon and the Armed Forces by the Secretary of Defense, Pete Hegseth, in which he orders them to ...
“I am shocked by the conviction of the undersecretary Andrea Delmastro, for which the public prosecutor had initially requested archiving and subsequently acquittal. I wonder if the judgment is really ...
Hong Kong's largest pro-democracy party has taken a first step towards dissolution, amid the Communist Party's crackdown on information and dissent. Chinese. In a press conference called yesterday, ...
The military complex, also known as the Gamal Abdel Nasser base, covers an area of about 40 square kilometers and is located 32 kilometers south of the Mediterranean port city of Tobruk, on NATO's ...
Il presidente dell'Ucraina, Volodymyr Zelensky, "non ha capito che c'è un nuovo sceriffo in città". Lo ha dichiarato il consigliere ...
L'Australia "sta con l'Ucraina". Lo ha ribadito oggi il primo ministro australiano, Anthony Albanese, dopo quanto avvenuto ieri a ...
Il prodotto interno lordo dell'India dovrebbe crescere, in termini reali, del 6,5 per cento nell'anno fiscale 2024-25, che si ...
"È stato un periodo di profonda incertezza nella mia vita. L'unica cosa di cui sono stato sempre sicuro è che ero nel giusto e che ...
Gli otto settori "core" dell'industria indiana - carbone, petrolio greggio, gas naturale, prodotti petroliferi raffinati, ...