Barcelona delivered a stunning 5-0 victory over Valencia in the Copa del Rey quarterfinals. Ferran Torres netted a hat-trick (3', 17', 30'), while Fermín López (23') and Lamine Yamal (59') also scored ...
A vintage tram has made its way back to Tashkent. It has been placed on Gulkhaniy Street in the "Katta Aktepa" neighborhood of Shaykhantahur district, where it will serve as a symbol of a new 24-hour ...
A federal judge in Washington ordered the administration of US President Donald Trump to revoke an executive order that suspended foreign aid programs for 90 days and to resume such programs ...
Trump's views and methods differ from those of the traditional American political elite, which prioritizes material interests and relegates international law and traditional diplomacy to second place.
<p class="noscriptwarning">Warning: This webmail service requires Javascript! In order to use it please enable Javascript in your browser's settings.</p> ...
Ўзбек футболида ҳозирги куннинг энг асосий қаҳрамони ким? Бу саволга жавоб аниқ – Абдуқодир Ҳусанов! Қишки трансферлар ...
O‘zbek futbolida hozirgi kunning eng asosiy qahramoni kim? Bu savolga javob aniq – Abduqodir Husanov! Qishki transferlar ...
Рақобат қўмитаси Pepsi савдо белгисига эгалик қилувчи «International Beverages Tashkent» компаниясига Baraka market ...
Raqobat qo‘mitasi Pepsi savdo belgisiga egalik qiluvchi «International Beverages Tashkent» kompaniyasiga Baraka market ...
Foto: Justin Tallis - WPA Pool U Buyuk Britaniya bosh vaziri Kir Starmer tomonidan tashkil etilgan Yevropa yetakchilari ...
Фото: Justin Tallis - WPA Pool У Буюк Британия бош вазири Кир Стармер томонидан ташкил этилган Европа етакчилари саммитида ...
Фото: Getty Images АҚШ президенти Дональд Трамп криптовалюта захираси яратилишини эълон қилди. Бу эса криптовалюта ...