El presidente Gustavo Petro reaccionó a la aprobación de la reforma a la salud, que pasó en la Cámara de Representantes, en ...
Colombian President Gustavo Petro says he will call for a special election in which voters will be able to approve or reject ...
Colombian President Gustavo Petro wants to reduce coca planting in a northeastern region rattled by rebel attacks by paying ...
Colombian President Gustavo Petro said on Tuesday that he would call a national referendum so that voters can weigh in on his ...
Gustavo Petro has antagonized Colombia’s energy industry, disrupted its health-care system and risked economic ruin in a social-media spat with Donald Trump. Now the leftist leader is trying a new ...
Colombian president Gustavo Petro and his “government of change” project seems to have run aground, according to the latest Invamer bimonthly poll. The president, who in August 2022 began his ...
A meeting between the leadership of the Colombian Catholic Church and President Gustavo Petro addressed crucial issues such ...
Colombia President Gustavo Petro is calling on his country's Congress to legalize marijuana, saying its prohibition "only ...
BOGOTA, Feb 25 (Reuters) - Colombia's President Gustavo Petro has named Armando Benedetti as the country's new interior minister, a source within Petro's office told Reuters on Tuesday ...
Durante una nueva jornada del consejo de ministros, el presidente Gustavo Petro sorprendió a todos al lanzar un duro comentario contra la exalcaldesa de Bogotá, Claudia López. El presidente, que ...
El presidente Gustavo Petro anunció la semana anterior, en medio de la presentación de parte de su nuevo gabinete, que todavía faltaban algunos cambios por hacer. (En contexto: El presidente ...
En medio del consejo de ministros que se realizó en la noche de este lunes, el presidente Gustavo Petro ordenó a la directora del Dapre, Angie Rodríguez, y al ministro de Minas, Edwin Palma, “tomar ...