Les élèves du collège Léonard de Vinci, sous l’impulsion de madame Brival, CPE, ont créé leur CVC, conseil de vie collégienne ...
At present, there are five Leonardo da Vinci museums, located in Italy, France, South Korea, Australia and Brazil. The Pueblo ...
À Saint-Claude, Laurent Proux sublime le patrimoine industriel local dans son exposition L'arbre et la machine au musée de ...
Quarante-huit enseignants et AESH (assistants d’élèves en situation de handicap) du lycée Léonard-de-Vinci étaient en grève ...
Like thousands of Leeds supporters down the years, you may have travelled down Elland Road itself and seen Robert Endeacott’s latest canvas ...
Scientists are starting to understand more about the small heart muscle fibers that Da Vinci showed in his illustrations over ...