Post-Covid concerns about small landlords are continuing to drive the conversation around renter aid policies.
A new wildfire was reported today at 12:20 p.m. in Los Angeles County. Test Fire has been burning on federal land managed by ...
A strong storm is dropping significant rain across Southern California, triggering the risk of mudslides, flooding and debris ...
Evacuation warnings have been issued for parts of Los Angeles County, near burn scar areas due to high mudslide and debris flow risks.
S&P Global Ratings analysts said they reviewed their entire rated California public utility portfolio before giving seven ...
A storm soaking the state on Wednesday and Thursday is bringing new danger to the area hit by wildfires earlier this year.
L.A. rents have risen 0.7% for the first two months of the year, more than double the 0.3% increase for local units a year ...
A powerful storm is dropping drenching rain on flood-prone Southern California and heavy snow on the state’s mountains. It’s ...
Wildfires that destroyed two neighborhoods made the state’s housing shortage even worse. Now, opposition is growing to ...
An exclusive event at Pacific Design Center will raise funds for three key organizations that played a crucial role in fire ...