Lena Dunham, Natalie Portman and Netflix

However, one of the more surprising people who put Ragnarok on the top of their list was Natalie Portman. She’s one of the ...
Natalie Portman has never had a reputation as a party animal, but says she did get drunk in college. Eva Mendes went to rehab in 2008 and hasn't had a drink since. Other famous actresses who quit ...
Natalie Portman's book club challenges readers to think deeply and read widely, and we shouldn't expect anything less from ...
NETFLIX is removing its ‘best original film’ – despite being branded a ‘modern classic’ and earning an impressive Rotten ...
Netflix successfully acquired the rights to Natalie Portman's romantic comedy Good S-- for fifty-five million, directed by Lena Dunham.
Two Sisters for a King is aimed above all at fans of historical drama and court intrigue, in the tradition of films such as Elizabeth with Cate Blanchett or The Duchess with Keira Knightley. The film ...