Nanoneedle technology offers the capability to simultaneously quantify titers of true, full viral genomes and a range of partial species.
Understanding why newborns, but not adults, can regenerate the heart could lead to treatments that "reprogram" adult ...
Boehringer will leverage ExpressionEdits' Genetic Syntax Engine which generates optimized introns to increase protein expression.
The Center for Biocatalysis and Bioprocessing provides University of Iowa students with opportunities to understand ...
David-Alexandre C. Gros, MD, CEO at Eledon, discusses the milestone and the role of immunosuppression regimens for durable ...
Celebrating the winners of the inaugural Sony Women in Technology Award with Nature, honoring outstanding women researchers.
Targeting mitochondrial retrograde signaling may therefore be promising in the treatment or prevention of metabolic disorders ...
Landmark single-cell dataset of one billion cells will be used to train new AI models to advance understanding of cellular ...
Egypt’s pharmaceutical industry produces over 90% of its medicines domestically and exports to more than 100 countries.
The modular sterile filling system reportedly can deliver 500 to 50,000 units per batch specifically tailored for process ...
Intra-ImmuSG seeks to develop a safer and more effective cancer therapy via a combination of a targeted therapy and immunotherapy.
Researchers say CSF biomarker test correlates with the severity of cognitive decline, independent of other factors, including brain amyloid deposition.